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Burrowing Boars

Tree Borers: Signs, Infestation, and Prevention


Tree borers are a common problem for trees and shrubs, especially in urban environments. These insects can cause serious damage to trees, and in some cases, can even kill them.

Signs of Tree Borers

The most obvious signs of tree borer insects are the tiny holes they cut into trunks, branches, and stems. These holes may be perfectly round or slightly oblong, and sometimes they are filled with sawdust. Other signs of tree borers include:
  • Wilting or yellowing leaves
  • Stunted growth
  • Cankers or swellings on the bark
  • Sap or oozing from the bark
  • Cracks or splits in the bark

Types of Tree Borers

Tree borers belong to a variety of insect groups, including beetles, wasps, and moths. Some of the most common types of tree borers include:
  • Asian longhorned beetle
  • Emerald ash borer
  • Peach tree borer
  • Carpenter ant
  • Codling moth

Prevention and Control

The best way to prevent tree borers is to keep your trees healthy and vigorous. Trees that are well-watered and fertilized are less likely to be attacked by borers. You should also regularly inspect your trees for signs of infestation, and take steps to control borer populations if you find them. There are a number of different methods that can be used to control tree borers, including:
  • Insecticide treatments
  • Biological control
  • Cultural practices
If you are concerned about tree borers, it is important to contact a qualified arborist for assistance.


